Culvert condition assessment
Development of a culvert condition assessment module was recently completed and the production of an instruction manual is nearly complete. This project will incorporate the assessment module into our existing database, implement the scoring algorithm for automatic scoring of records, integrate results of the module into the map viewer, develop an electronic data form for use with tablets and smart phones, and develop an online training unit for this module.
Aquatic passability for tidal streams
Development of a draft aquatic passability assessment module for tidal streams is currently underway and was tested this spring and early summer. This project will finalize the assessment protocol, incorporate the assessment module into our existing database, implement the scoring algorithm for automatic scoring of records, integrate results of the module into the map viewer, develop an electronic data form for use with tablets and smart phones, and develop an online training unit for this module.
Terrestrial passability
Development of a terrestrial passability assessment module for road-stream crossings is currently underway. This project will finalize the assessment protocol, incorporate the assessment module into our existing database, develop and implement the scoring algorithm for automatic scoring of records, integrate the module into the map viewer, develop an electronic data form for use with tablets and smart phones, and develop an online training unit for this module.